Generations hence,
Two words in, and I already want to punch him in the throat. "Hence?"
My own personal Free Speech Zone. “To change your mind and to follow him who sets you right is to be nonetheless the free agent that you were before.” — Marcus Aurelius “When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?” — John Maynard Keynes “Why should you mind being wrong if someone can show you that you are?” — A.J. Ayer (attributed)
In 2003, mountaineer Aron Ralston was canoyoneering in Utah when a boulder pinned his arm against a canyon wall. After 127 hours of battling dehydration, starvation, and the elements, Ralston resorts to amputating his arm with a small knife from a cheap multitool. Based on his autobiography Between a Rock and a Hard Place, Danny Boyle (Trainspotting, Slumdog Millionaire) has adapted the dramatic story with James Franco portraying Ralston into the aptly titled film 127 Hours.
"When a heartbeat of a baby is detected, that baby will be protected from abortion. It's really as simple as that. As technology improves in medicine, as it continually does, that protection will move closer and closer to conception, which is I think for many of us what our ultimate goal of protecting life is. - Ohio state Rep. Lynn Wachtmann, explaining the purpose of Ohio's new Heartbeat Bill, in support of which a fetal heartbeat will be used as "testimony" in hearings soon.
If Ohio passes the Heartbeat Bill, I think we should use it as precedent to establish similar legislation affecting other areas of life. I think that whenever Lynn Wachtmann pulls up to a McDonald's drive-thru, she can't place her order until the staff play her a recording of a cow's heartbeat over the speaker, then makes her sit in the parking lot for 24 hours to make sure she really, really wants that burger.
High Speed to InsolvencyThis embodies a new pet peeve of mine. At the Federal level, insolvency is a non-issue. So, he's managed to be wrong, or at best misleading, before the essay has even begun.
Why liberals love trains.Liberals love trains because we all have a secret gay crush on Thomas the Tank Engine. Betcha even George didn't realize this is part of the homosexual agenda.
Generations hence,