Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Little Homework Assignment

Let me start by saying I do not advocate a 90%, or even 70% top marginal rate. Now, I will repeat myself: I do not advocate a 90%, or even 70% top marginal rate. Now, I will put it another way: Top rate of 70% or more? No!

OK, now, on to the assignment, because it is getting late and I have to drive to Merced for a 9:00 appearance: Refer to the chart below, and look up any form of economic growth you want for the years 1946 - 1970. I suggest GDP. Compare and contrast rates and growth. OK, now explain why we extended the Bush tax cuts. Go ahead. Try. I dare you. For extra credit, compare economic performance before and after the Clinton tax hike in 1993.

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